Woods’ Mandate
Woods has been appointed in order to enable the Residents to participate in the CCAA Proceedings in an efficient manner and, without limitation, to assist the Residents in the protection of their rights and interests in a cost-effective and timely manner, the whole at the cost and expense of Groupe Sélection.
We refer you to paragraphs 66 to 78 of the Amended and Restated Initial Order issued on December 1, 2022, regarding the appointment of Woods as Residents’ Representative Counsel. Said order is available here (in French only).
If you are a resident of a SLR operated by Groupe Sélection you do not need to do anything further in order for Woods to act on your behalf.
However, any resident who does not wish to be represented by the Residents’ Representative Counsel shall notify Woods and the Monitor in writing, at the latest 90 days following the publication of appropriate newspaper notices, that they wish to opt out of their representation (an “Opt-Out Notice”). Residents can use the Opt-Out Notice available here.
Once a Resident has delivered an appropriate Opt-Out Notice within the delay (“Opt-Out Residents”), they will not be represented by Woods. The Opt-Out Residents may represent themselves, personally or through counsel that they may retain at their own expense.
This webpage serves as the information center, where Woods in its capacity as Residents’ Representative Counsel will be posting public notices, reports, and other information available regarding its activities and the CCAA Proceedings.
Please note that anything posted publicly on this webpage is for informational purposes only, and you should consult us directly if you have any questions or need clarification as to your rights.